Employer Forms
Employers - Get The word out about scholarships
- GFIA sends out posters to members each December. Please hang the posters in areas visible to your employees by January 1.
- If you did not receive posters to display at your place of business, fill out the form below to request posters, or call the GFIA office at (770) 438-7744.
- Work with your human resources department to communicate the availability of awards to employees.
- Download the Scholarship Poster and Employer Instructions below, and email the information to your team members or post to your employee notice board.
- Consider funding an award for employees of your company, or for your customer companies. All administrative fees are paid by the Foundation.
- We are here to help! Call or email Kim Peterson with any questions or ideas for how to improve our program.
Fill out the form below to order scholarship posters.
Fill out the form below to order scholarship posters.