Serving… Uniting… Protecting…
State Advocacy
Your legislative team reviews and analyzes hundreds of bills each session to determine if something could be harmful to your company. We meet with legislators and staffs, attend committee meetings, testify on your behalf and work with coalitions with similar interests. You will be kept up to date through our legislative updates. [Learn More…] Federal Advocacy Your GFIA legislative team works closely with our national partners on legislative issues that could negatively affect your business. We bring a team to Washington each year to lobby everything from healthcare to menu labeling. [Learn More…] Regulatory
We all know that the grocery industry is heavily regulated. In a typical week, retailers reach out to the GFIA on assistance in applying for a SNAP or WIC license, understanding the requirements for a check cashing license, or finding an alcohol training program. The GFIA works with Georgia’s regulatory agencies on your behalf and is your one-stop shop to assist with regulatory challenges. [Learn More…] |
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